KKN SISDAMAS UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung: Optimalisasi Kesadaran Hukum Pada Usia Remaja di Desa Batulayang
Kata Kunci:
kenakalan remaja, penyimpangan sosial, pengetahuan hukum, kesadaran hukumAbstrak
The rise of social deviations committed by teenagers is something that needs to be addressed and prevented, this is because social deviations committed by teenagers are starting to involve the realm of the law. It is not uncommon to find social deviations committed by teenagers who are still at junior high school level. This has certainly been experienced by all schools, including MTsN 2 West Bandung in Batulayang Village. The method used is SISDAMAS service with 3 cycles, cycle I social reflection, cycle II Planning and preparation, cycle III program implementation, cycle IV evaluation and reporting. The results of the service showed that there were social deviations or juvenile delinquency that had been committed by students at MTsN 2 West Bandung, such as driving a vehicle without a driver's license, to smoking, and not all students had legal knowledge and awareness that was useful so that they did not commit social deviations. Therefore, so that social deviance or juvenile delinquency does not continue to become more severe, there is a need for movements such as socialization to educate teenagers about social deviance and legal knowledge and awareness so that they have self-control so that they do not commit deviant actions or violate the law. The results of this service activity were found to be reduced, whether massively or slightly, by students driving motorized vehicles, which is a form of juvenile delinquency and a form of unawareness of the law..
Keywords: Social deviance, juvenile delinquency, legal knowledge, legal awareness.
Profil Desa Batulayang Kecamatan Cililin tahun 2022
Sofyan Willis, Remaja dan Masalahnya, (Bandung: Alfabeta, 2012), hal.90
Sri Lestari, Psikologi keluarga: Penanaman Nilai dan Penanganan Konflik Dalam Keluarga, (Jakarta: Kencana, 2012), hal.108
Kartini Kartono, Patologi Sosial 2: Kenakalan Remaja, (Jakarta: PT. Raja Grafindo Persada, 2002), hal.5
Achmad Ali, Menguak Teori Hukum (Legal Theory) dan Teori Peradilan (Judicial Prudence), Prenada Media Group, Jakarta, 2009, Halaman 298
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Hak Cipta (c) 2023 Maldini, Adinda Amalia, Bismiazzahra Yandra Putri, Kanisya Putri Aulia
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