Peningkatan Pemberdayaan Masyarakat di Masa Transisi Covid-19 Melalui Bank Sampah (Studi Kasus Kampung Pasar awi, Desa. Sukajaya, Kecamatan. Sukaresmi, Kabupaten. Garut)
Community Empowerment, Waste BankAbstract
Changes in the public's perspective on waste still need to be improved and carried out in a sustainable way. The importance of education on awareness and community skills in managing waste, namely by applying the 4R method (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle and Replant) can help solve waste problems, namely by managing waste from the source. The waste bank is an alternative in waste management launched by the Ministry of the Environment to deal with waste problems that exist in the community. The integrated Waste Bank program was implemented in Sukajaya Village, Sukaresmi sub-district, Garut district. Actually this waste bank has the concept of collecting dry waste which is then sorted and has a management system like banking, but the difference is that what is saved is not money but garbage. Community empowerment through waste bank activities and socialization in collaboration with the community and related partnerships can increase participation (Interaction and Communication) and increase community economic income. This waste bank in Sukajaya Village, Sukaresmi District, Garut Regency has provided benefits to the community by reducing piles of waste in the environment and realizing a clean, green, and comfortable healthy environment. In addition to benefits for the surrounding environment, waste bank activities are also beneficial for improving the community's economy. Integrated waste management can develop community creativity and innovation for a prosperous society.
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