Penerapan Strategi Pembelajaran untuk Siswa PAUD dan Siswa SD guna Meningkatkan Motivasi Belajar di Masa Pandemi
Covid-19, Study Corner, Educational PropsAbstract
The Covid-19 pandemic has greatly affected the education sector, from elementary to university levels. This also causes many problems for early childhood learning where children are in the golden age and really need more services. In addition, looking at the condition of the learning system during the Covid-19 pandemic, many educational institutions, especially kindergarten, have not been able to carry out learning boldly because of the inability of students and parents to operate gadgets and several other obstacles. Solution to solve the problems faced, including: Study Corner (Pojok Belajar) and providing questions related to problem solving for elementary students and empowering Kindergarten students' parents in making Educational Props (APE). The community service method used is community empowerment-based service steps (Sisdamas) carried out by the LP2M Service Centre Team of UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung which consists of four cycles. Namely cycle I Community Meeting, Initial Socialization and Social Reflection, cycle II: Social Mapping and Community Organizing, Cycle III: Participatory Planning and Program Synergy, Cycle IV: Program Implementation and Monitoring Evaluation. Based on the results of the study, the study corner program showed that the level of enthusiasm, students' understanding of the material and problem solving abilities showed good results. In addition, in the APE training program the results showed that the level of enthusiasm, knowledge of APE functions and applications, as well as creative improvisation also showed good results. Thus it can be concluded that these two programs can be a good solution in dealing with these problems.
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