Upaya Preventif Terhadap Dampak Pernikahan Dini Bagi Keluarga : Sosialisasi di RW 004 Dawuan Desa Ciater
Early Marriage, Education and Socialization, Community AwarenessAbstract
Early marriage remains a pressing social issue in various regions of Indonesia, especially in rural and suburban areas. Although not recommended by existing regulations, early marriage frequently occurs and has significant negative impacts, including the risk of school dropout, reproductive health issues, and limited access to economic and social opportunities. This study aims to focus on preventing early marriage in RW 004 through education and regulation socialization, with the goal of increasing community awareness about the negative effects of early marriage and the importance of delaying marriage age. The method used is an educational and socialization approach to help the community better understand the regulations and consequences of early marriage. The findings indicate that community awareness of the negative impacts of early marriage in RW 004 remains relatively low, although there is an increase following the conducted outreach and socialization activities. The implications of this study highlight the need for more targeted and participatory outreach strategies, involving community leaders as change agents to enhance the effectiveness of the outreach programs. In conclusion, a more collaborative approach is required to improve community awareness regarding the negative impacts of early marriage and the importance of delaying marriage age.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Raynaldi Afwan Rafi, Yunita, Nuke Rachmadini, Nala Hanifatul Maghfiroh, Silvia Saputri, Fathurrohman M. Basyari
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