Membangun Generasi Berkualitas Melalui Kegiatan Keagamaan Para Pemuda Karang Taruna di Kampung Sukatengah
Pemuda, keagamaan, pengabdian masyarakatAbstract
Real Work Lecture (Kuliah Kerja Nyata or KKN) Regular Sisdamas Religious Moderation is one of the community service programs implemented by students of the State Islamic University (UIN) Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung as an integral part of the educational curriculum. This program aims to empower communities in various aspects of their lives and took place in Tanjungjaya Village, Cihampelas District, West Bandung Regency in 2023. KKN integrates direct community service with social research as part of the learning process, providing multiple benefits to both students and the local community. The KKN program represents a concrete manifestation of UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung's commitment to developing students who excel not only academically but also possess high social skills and a strong capacity for social contribution. Through their roles as agents of change and social control, students are expected to influence positive changes in society and the country, not only within the academic sphere but also in the social realm. In this context, students are considered pioneers with a crucial role in shaping a better future for society and the nation.
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