Meningkatkan Motivasi Belajar Anak-Anak pada Masa Pandemi di Kampung Gudang Sikat Kelurahan Pasirbiru Kota Bandung
social, teaching, gamesAbstract
Seeing the pandemic conditions that have not yet been completed, the condition of education in Indonesia is greatly affected. The learning process was forced to be sent home, often making it difficult for students to learn. Not only in the education aspect, the pandemic also has a serious impact on the economic aspect of the community, so that some people have difficulty finding food. On that basis, we conducted a program called “Afternoon Teaching” to answer this problem. The “Afternoon Teaching” program is carried out by focusing on efforts to build student motivation and provide learning facilities for students. Indicators of success are seen from motor, verbal, and student responses at the end of the meeting. The method we use in the “Teaching Afternoon” program is Games Based Learning. The method we use has a good impact, students show a positive motor attitude response after receiving the learning process that we provide.
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