Internalisasi Moderasi Beragama Melalui Kegiatan Keagamaan Anak-anak Tingkat Dusun 1 di Desa Cangkuang
Desa Cangkuang, Pengabdian, KKN, Program, MasyarakatAbstract
Real Work Lectures (KKN) is an intracurricular activity which aims to combine the implementation of the Tri Dharma of Higher Education concept, through efforts to mobilize student energy to participate in community development. Sisdamas KKN is a program owned by UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung for final year students. This program of course aims to train students and put their knowledge into practice in terms of community service and empowerment. The Sisdamas KKN implemented by us is located in Cangkuang Village, Cangkuang District, Bandung Regency. The beginning of the implementation of KKN there was because the location was quite strategic and had a diverse religious background in it. The presence of students in society is currently something that is considered important, this is based on the need for students to act as pioneers and motivators in social life. For this reason, we held a work program to increase the role in community life for community empowerment. Broadly speaking, the program focuses on PHBI in the form of Islamic competitions. By holding religious competitions for children at the village level, in which there are five competitions, namely the call to prayer, speech, tahfiz, calligraphy and quiz competitions. The aim of the KKN results is to find out how effective the roles and functions of students are, such as the social role that students have in the surrounding community which has religious diversity and fostering the value of religious moderation. The service method used in this article is the Community Empowerment System (SISDASMAS) service method with the type of research approach used to write this article is a qualitative research method. There are 4 cycles/stages in the implementation of the Sisdamas KKN, namely community consultation and social reflection, social mapping, participatory planning, as well as program implementation and evaluation monitoring. The achievement of this work program is due to the collaboration between the KKN participants and the surrounding community and it provides benefits that have a big impact on both of them.
Keywords: Cangkuang Village, service, KKN, programs, community
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Copyright (c) 2023 Shelfia Kharisma Fauziah, Deden Najmudin, M. Sy., Aldi Wiguna, Sevi Sevtiani Hamdani, Siti Nurjanah, Widia Siti Rahayu

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