Penerapan Kotak Literasi Cerdas (KOLECER) di SDN 1 Cihampelas
Sumber Daya Manusia, Literasi, Pendidikan, KolecerAbstract
Abundant natural resources do not guarantee the progress of a country, but quality human resources that influence the progress of a country. Education plays a major role in shaping quality human resources. This research focuses on the importance of literacy at the primary school level and its influence on learner development. The government, particularly in West Java, has taken steps to improve community literacy through the Smart Literacy Box (KOLECER) programme. This research focuses on the implementation of KOLECER at SDN 1 Cihampelas in West Bandung district. The research method used was qualitative with a descriptive approach through observation, interviews and documentation. This research identified four cycles of activities in the implementation of KOLECER, namely social mapping, programme preparation, programme implementation and evaluation. KOLECER involves elements such as education, literacy, motivation, ice breaking, games and door prizes to improve learners' literacy. In conclusion, early education and literacy play an important role in shaping quality human resources. Programmes like KOLECER are the government's effort to improve literacy among learners and motivate them to learn better, which in turn will have a positive impact on the progress of the nation.
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