Analisis Kesulitan Anak Kelas Tiga Sekolah Dasar dalam Membaca Permulaan
Kesulitan membaca permulaan, sekolah dasarAbstract
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan kesulitan membaca permulaan pada anak kelas kelas 3 SD. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitataif dengan metode observasi dan studi pustaka. Subjek anak kelas 3 SD. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa kesulitan dalam membaca permulaan anak kelas 3 SD yaitu: (1) Belum mampu membedakan huruf dan melafalkan huruf secara jelas; (2) Kesulitan mengenali huruf atau mengejanya; (3) selalu keliru pada kegiatan mengeja dan melafalkan huruf. Huruf tertukar-tukar, misal ‘b’ tertukar ‘d’, ‘p’ tertukar ‘q’, ‘m’ tertukar ‘n’; (4) selalu keliru dalam melafalkan huruf ‘n’ dan ‘t’; (5) kesulitan mengeja dan menggabungkan suku kata depan dan terakhir; (6) mengeja dengan lambat dan terputus-putus dan kadang tidak tepat; (7) sangat lambat kemajuannya dalam keterampilan membaca
This study is designed to describe the reading difficulties on basic reading within third graders of elementary school. The research used the qualitative approach with the method of observation and literature study. The subject of study in third graders of elementary school. The results showed that the difficulty in basic reading of third graders of elementary school are: (1) Not yet able to distinguish letters and pronounce letters clearly; (2) Difficulty recognizing letters or spelling them; (3) always wrong in spelling and pronouncing letters. The letters are swapped, for example, 'b' is swapped for 'd', 'p' is swapped for 'q', 'm' is swapped for 'n'; (4) always mispronouncing the letters 'n' and 't'; (5) difficulty spelling and combining the first and last syllables; (6) spelling slowly and intermittently and sometimes incorrectly; (7) very slow progress in reading skills
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