Meningkatkan Kesadaran Sejarah Lokal Melalui Efektivitas Program Museum R.A.A Adwidjaja Goes To School
Kata Kunci:
Local history awareness, museums, education, effectiveness.Abstrak
The decline in awareness of local history among the younger generation,
especially elementary school students, is a concern in Garut Regency. As an
effort to increase understanding and appreciation of local history and culture,
the Museum R.A.A Adwidjaja Garut Goes to School program was
implemented. This program is a collaboration between the R.A.A Adwidjaja
Museum, the Garut Regency Tourism and Culture Office, and KKN students,
implemented at SDN 2 Cinunuk and SDN 2 & 3 Wanaraja. This research aims
to make the literacy program effective by increasing local history awareness
in elementary school students by bringing the R.A.A Adwidjaja Museum to
the school environment, so that students can get closer to local history
material through museum collections such as heirlooms, historical
photographs, and ancient manuscripts. The research method used is
descriptive qualitative, with data collection through observation, interviews,
and documentation of program activities. The results showed that the
program succeeded in increasing students' interest and knowledge of Garut
local history, especially through the interactive approach applied in
educational activities. However, some factors such as limited time and space
in schools become challenges that need to be overcome for the sustainability
of this program in the future. The results of this study are expected to
contribute to the development of a more effective local history education
program, as well as a reference for other institutions that want to implement
a similar program. In addition, this program is expected to be sustainable and
have a long-term impact on historical awareness among the younger
generation in Garut Regency.
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Hak Cipta (c) 2024 Ratih Puspitasari, Astri Indriyani, Heni, M. Devin Putra
Artikel ini berlisensi Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.