Implementasi Membangun Kreativitas Dan Inovasi Siswa Melalui Ekstrakulikuler Kewirausahaan Di SMP Negeri 2 Pasirjambu


  • Dewi Nur Fitriani Uim sunan gunung djati bandung
  • Ana Yuliana Universitan Uin Sunan Gunung djati Bandung
  • Muhamad Ihsan Araafi Universitan Uin Sunan Gunung djati Bandung
  • Anggita Aprilia Nisa Universitan Uin Sunan Gunung djati Bandung
  • Hikmal Mahkuta Alam
  • Toneng Listiani M.Hum Universitan Uin Sunan Gunung djati Bandung

Kata Kunci:

extracurricular, entrepreneurship, innovation, creativity.


Entrepreneurship refers to activities aimed at developing a person's interests and skills in creating, organizing, and running a small business or business project. The aim of the entrepreneurship extracurricular at SMPN 2 Pasir Jambu is to provide opportunities for students to learn about the basic aspects of the world of business and entrepreneurship. The entrepreneurship extracurricular program at SMPN 2 Pasir Jambu aims to increase student innovation and creativity. This program is designed with the aim of encouraging entrepreneurial interest and skills from an early age, as well as providing a platform for students to develop new ideas and their creativity. This research method includes participatory observation, interviews with students and instructors, as well as analysis of documentation related to entrepreneurship extracurricular activities. Research findings show that this program has made a significant contribution to the development of entrepreneurial skills, including knowledge of business planning, risk management and presentation skills. Apart from that, this extracurricular program also plays an important role in stimulating student innovation and creativity. Through group discussions, business simulations, and collaborative projects, students are encouraged to think creatively, create new solutions, and develop innovative ideas in a business context. The results of this research provide recommendations for continuing to improve and expand extracurricular entrepreneurship programs in secondary schools, as well as emphasizing the importance of entrepreneurial practices in the education curriculum. The implications of this research also include the potential to expand similar programs in other schools as a model of an effective approach to building entrepreneurial skills and encouraging student innovation and creativity.


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Cara Mengutip

Nur Fitriani, D., Yuliana, A., Araafi, M. I. ., Nisa, A. A. ., Alam, H. M. ., & M.Hum, T. L. (2023). Implementasi Membangun Kreativitas Dan Inovasi Siswa Melalui Ekstrakulikuler Kewirausahaan Di SMP Negeri 2 Pasirjambu. PROCEEDINGS UIN SUNAN GUNUNG DJATI BANDUNG, 3(6), 45–56. Diambil dari