The Kuliah Kerja Nyata (KKN) Berbasis SISDAMAS: Pengajaran di SD Negeri Tapananjungsari


  • Faris Aminur Rahman Hanapi
  • Ketlin Berliana Salsabila
  • Mulkiyah
  • Rizaldi Ahmad Biben

Kata Kunci:

service, kkn, educational programs, community


KKN (Real Work Lecture) activities are activities that must be participated in by every student in at least a Bachelor's degree (S.1) at a Higher Education Institution, such as at the Sunan Gunung Djati State Islamic University, Bandung. Every student in semester 6 and above is required to take part in KKN (Lecture) activities. Real Work). Implementation of KKN (Real Work Lecture) activities in Malasari village, Cimaung District, Bandung Regency from July to August 2023. The method for implementing this KKN is SISDAMAS. The aim of SISDAMAS KKN activities is to help the surrounding community and help find solutions to existing problems. Several educational institutions in Malasari Village are the targets of the KKN student work program which is carried out routinely every day. One of them is Tapananjungsari State Elementary School. Teaching activities at SD Negeri Tapanajung Sari were carried out for 4 days targeting grades 4, 5 and 6. The teaching methods used were discussions, lectures and also games. The results of this teaching activity make students very enthusiastic and active in participating in learning at school. Apart from that, the existence of KKN activities can be a factor that helps provide better education.


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Cara Mengutip

Hanapi, F. A. R., Salsabila, K. B., Mulkiyah, & Biben, R. A. (2024). The Kuliah Kerja Nyata (KKN) Berbasis SISDAMAS: Pengajaran di SD Negeri Tapananjungsari. PROCEEDINGS UIN SUNAN GUNUNG DJATI BANDUNG, 3(8), 490–497. Diambil dari