Penanaman Nilai Moderasi Beragama pada Masyarakat Kampung Ciaul Melalui Kegiatan Nonton Bareng Film Sang Kiai


  • Aldi Rizky Pratama
  • Dyah Rahmi Astuti
  • Rezaldin Muhammad Anshari
  • Syaima Hawariya

Kata Kunci:

Karang Taruna, KKN, Moderasi Beragama, Sang Kiai


The Real Work Lecture is a form of implementation of the tridharma of higher education in Indonesia, namely serving the community. So that the purpose of this service is to help alleviate problems that exist in the community through the implementation stage of the work program in this KKN activity. The method used is a combination of the dharma of Higher Education, namely research and community service which produces a community empowerment system (Sisdamas) which consists of three cycles, starting from the stages of social reflection, program planning, program implementation and evaluation. Every step by step has been carried out and found data that the lack of interest and talent of young people in Ciaul Village in terms of Islamic insight and organizational management. So that at the stage of implementing the program, a program was launched in the form of the agenda of Watching Sang Kiai Film as a joint event between students and Karang Taruna RW 14 Ciaul Village. Therefore, it is hoped that this program will be able to provide knowledge and experience of the people of Ciaul Village, especially young people of Karang Taruna, to be active and innovative in holding an event activity.


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Cara Mengutip

Rizky Pratama, A. ., Rahmi Astuti, D. ., Muhammad Anshari, R. ., & Hawariya, S. . (2024). Penanaman Nilai Moderasi Beragama pada Masyarakat Kampung Ciaul Melalui Kegiatan Nonton Bareng Film Sang Kiai. PROCEEDINGS UIN SUNAN GUNUNG DJATI BANDUNG, 4(1), 105–115. Diambil dari