Tantangan dan Solusi dalam Proses Sertifikasi Halal Self Declare: Best Practices
Challenges, Halal Certification, Self Declare, SolutionsAbstract
Law Number 33 of 2014 stipulates that all products circulating in Indonesia must have halal certificates. However, the halal certification process still faces various challenges, especially for Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs). In order to accelerate halal certification for MSMEs, the government introduced a self-declare scheme, which allows business actors to declare the halal status of their products independently. Although simpler, there are obstacles such as MSMEs' lack of understanding of the procedure, high costs, and limited technical assistance. This article focuses on student service in the Real Work Lecture (KKN) program at Sunan Gunung Djati State Islamic University, Bandung through halal certification assistance for MSMEs using the self-declare scheme. This program aims to support MSMEs in understanding and implementing halal certification independently, while also overcoming various existing obstacles. The service method includes analyzing MSME needs, education about the self-declare scheme, assistance in the application process, and evaluation and monitoring of implementation. The results of this program show that halal certification through the self-declare scheme helps make it easier for MSMEs to access halal certification, although there are still challenges such as limited facilities and lack of public understanding. Further efforts are needed in terms of education, supervision, strengthening digital infrastructure, and providing incentives so that halal certification can be implemented effectively and efficiently. By improving the quality of assistance and utilization of technology, it is hoped that MSMEs can accelerate the halal certification process and increase the competitiveness of halal products in the national and global markets.
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