Edukasi Berbantu Media Poster dan Pembagian Masker dalam Rangka Disiplin Protokol Kesehatan Covid-19 di Kampung Naringgul Desa Karangpapak
Edukasi, Protokol Kesehatan, Poster, MaskerAbstract
Mulai menurunnya kasus Covid-19 di Indonesia menyebabkan banyak masyarakat yang mulai mengabaikan protokol kesehatan. Sehingga informasi dan edukasi terkait Covid-19 harus terus menerus disampaikan kepada masyarakat, serta pengawasan juga harus dilakukan agar masyarakat mau menerapkan perilaku sehat. Kegiatan ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kesadaran dan pola hidup kebiasaan masyarakat di masa pandemi Covid-19. Metode yang dilakukan pada kegiatan ini adalah edukasi kepada masyarakat mengenai protokol kesehatan dimasa pendemik dengan menggunakan media poster. Selain itu dilakukan juga pembagian masker kepada masyarakat Kampung Naringgul RT 02 RW 07 Desa Karangpapak Kecamatan Cisolok Kabupaten Sukabumi sebagai upaya pencegahan penyebaran Covid-19. Kegiatan sosialisasi ini berjalan lancar dan antusiasme masyarakat cukup tinggi selama mengikuti kegiatan ini. Dalam pengabdian masyarakat ini telah tercapai target sasaran yaitu pemberian edukasi mengenai pencegahan Covid-19 dan pembagian masker kepada masyarakat Kampung Naringgul RT 02 RW 07 Desa Karangpapak Kecamatan Cisolok Kabupaten Sukabumi. Selain itu, masyarakat memberikan respon yang sangat baik pada pemberian edukasi serta pembagian masker dengan indikator capaian yaitu mereka langsung memakai masker sesuai tujuan dan fungsinya
The decline in Covid-19 cases in Indonesia has caused many people to start ignoring health protocols. So that information and education related to Covid-19 must be continuously conveyed to the public, and supervision must also be carried out so that people want to implement healthy behavior. This activity aims to increase awareness and lifestyle habits of the community during the Covid-19 pandemic. The method used in this activity is educating the public about health protocols during a pandemic using poster media. In addition, masks were also distributed to the people of Naringgul RT 02 RW 07 Karangpapak Village, Cisolok District, Sukabumi Regency as an effort to prevent the spread of Covid-19. This socialization activity went smoothly and the enthusiasm of the community was quite high during this activity. In this community service, the target has been achieved, namely providing education regarding the prevention of Covid-19 and distributing masks to the people of Naringgul RT 02 RW 07 Karangpapak Village, Cisolok District, Sukabumi Regency. In addition, the community gave a very good response to the provision of education and distribution of masks with achievement indicators, namely they immediately wore masks according to their purpose and function
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