Penyuluhan Tentang Protokol Kesehatan dalam Rangka Mencegah Penularan Covid-19 di Desa Sandingtaman
Covid-19, Kesadaran, Masker, Hand SanitizerAbstract
Lebih dari setahun Virus corona (Covid-19) terus menerus menyerang dunia secara bertubi-tubi, hingga kini virus tersebut belum menemui titik akhir. Walaupun vaksin telah ditemukan, tapi vaksin tersebut belum tersebar merata kapada seluruh masyarakat Indonesia, Khususnya perkampungan di Jawa Barat. Oleh karena itu diupayakan agar selalu menerapkan protokol kesehatan seperti masker, hand sanitizer dan lainnya guna mengantisipasi penyebaran covid-19. Menyikapi hal demikian, Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis kesadaran masyarakat dalam menerapkan protokol kesehatan (masker, hand sanitizer dan lainnya) di masa pandemic covid-19 melalui KKN DR Sisdamas yang dilaksanakan di Desa Sandingtaman, Panjalu, Ciamis, Jawa barat. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah siklus-siklus KKN DR Sisdamas. Data penelitian diperoleh dari perilaku kebiasaan masyarakat sehari-hari mereka. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa melalui KKN DR Sisdamas kelompok 268 berupa sosialisasi, penyuluhan bantuan, dan bimbingan, masyarakat menjadi sadar bagaimana pentingnya menjaga kesehatan dan mematuhi protokol kesehatan dengan baik, dan juga masyarakat telah bisa membuat handsanitizer sendiri dari bahan alami, sehingga masyarakat bisa melakukan pencegahan yang lebih maksimal dalam menghadapi pandemi covid 19
For more than a year, the Corona Virus Desease -19 (Covid-19) has continued to attack the world, until now the virus has not found the end point of the pandemic. Although the vaccine has been found, the vaccine has not been spread evenly to all Indonesian people, especially the villages in West Java. Therefore, the community is strived to always apply health protocols such as masks, hand sanitizers and others to anticipate the spread of COVID-19. In response to this, this study aims to analyze public awareness in implementing health protocols (masks, hand sanitizers and others) during the COVID-19 pandemic through the KKN-DR Sisdamas Community Service Program which was held in Sandingtaman Village, Panjalu, Ciamis, West Java. The research method used is KKN-DR Sisdamas cycles. The research data was obtained from the habitual behavior of their daily people. The results showed that through KKN-DR Sisdamas group 268 in the form of socialization, assistance counseling, and guidance, the community became aware of how important it was to maintain health and adhere to health protocols properly, and also the community had been able to make their own hand sanitizer from natural ingredients, so the community can take more maximum precautions in dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic
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